Friday, November 21, 2014

Hello Again@

Hi: At least, I hope someone is going to be reading this, it's been about an AGE and a half since I put information on here. It's been a tough year - but Not To Worry, I don't write Horror and won't be telling you my trpibles, LOL.
I am just now trying to get back in touch and meet some more cyber friends and catch up on your news too. Since I'm having computer troubles I'm not too hopeful this will get posted but I'm hoping. If anyone has any suggestions and good news please get in touch.
Cuber Group Hug, 8-)

1 comment:

  1. I've missed a lot from my cyber friends and would appreciate hearing from you, here, Facebook, or anywhere else. 8-)
    Good luck and good reading to all of us,
    Jackie; my human family; and my animal family (inside, outside and feral). Cyber hugs to all 8-)
